03 May 2009


People may utter the same words in the same tongue, yet they will rarely be speaking the same language!

"Five fingers in hand are not same," says an old Indian proverb. Five artists will never paint the same picture of a still-life and five witnesses will never tell the same story.

It all depends on the angle of vision.

Similarly, a string of words could mean almost anything; behaviour can be understood any which way - depending on the interpreter, each of who is unique!

So God help us in this ocean of misunderstanding!

No wonder it is said that we live in Maya, illusion, which if properly translated from Sanskrit literally means, THAT WHICH IS NOT!

So to overcome illusion would mean the ability to experience Truth: plain, unadulterated and absolute Truth.

But our ego, the "I, Me and Mine," likes a dance with separate-interest....

If only the thought, the word and the action could be just Truth! Truth! Truth!


02 May 2009



Perhaps that is the only eternal question we ever need to ask?

In the space of a few days I have been bombarded with a series of unusual events that seem separate yet share a common denominator. I was about to get lost in the superficiality of what, who and all of that, until I was forced to remember that the only real question that mattered was, "Why?"

But do I place myself as the subject or the object? That may also be an important point. Is stuff happening because of me, or is it happening to me? Actually, I see that that is not the important why at all! So I am not about to discuss the validity of karmma.

Maybe the only important "Why?" is WHY DO I NEED TO EXPERIENCE THIS?

In this case I just needed to remember this outlook on life. The voice of the chaitya guru - the Divine Guidance ever present in the heart - only may be heard when we practice introspection.

How long ago have I planned to start this blog, and it never manifest? Yet today I feel to write and share this important reminder I have received - that nothing falls to chance! Every experience is as valuable as I make it, and life is as meaningful as I allow it to be.

It also seems the perfect start to this blog, the idea for which was sown for this very reason: of making accessible the reflections of just one girl who travels through life's experiences with a view of discovering her very Self and Divinity.

And not to let any of my resources lie dormant in the process of awakening... of which writing is one - one which has always helped me clarify my thoughts and put them into perspective. By writing this public blog I choose to share them with anybody - they are not my safe-guarded secret anymore.