06 June 2009

Riding the Wave

My friend welcomed me with a kiss on each cheek.

"Wow, this is great! I'm so happy to see you are so busy!" I said, eyes wide.

"Amazing! Just as we had decided to quit and move location, there was an explosion! You let it go and then it comes to you with a boom!" He looked at me meaningfully, "Isn't everything like that?!"

"Indeed!" I smiled, patting him on the back and urging him to carry on. Although I had not seen my friend for a while, busy as he had been in pursuing his goal, I did not wish to steal his attention. I stood aside and observed, deeply pleased.

Let go of it then it's there. Relax about it and then just catch it when it happens. Because by pushing too hard we push it away!

Repeatedly I have experienced that, when desires for results come to a standstill, when we cease forcibly trying to control the environment, when we surrender to the natural, mystic flow... things begin to happen such that it serves our favour.

Not to mean we should sit idly, waiting for things to happen, but rather, like a surfer, to catch the wave and ride it where it takes us instead of swimming against the current to be tossed and turned in the crashing waves.

Hence the new-age slogan, BE HERE NOW (!!!) It may be a cliche', but it holds truth.

Yet too often we are not content... always looking beyond, afar, for more, for something different!

And so easily we can forget to be grateful when our wishes have been fulfilled... and take it all for granted. So fickle is the mind that before we know it, we may begin to desire yet another different situation!

If work is slow, we may desire more custom, yet if it is busy, we may wish to take it easy. If we are single, we may want a partner, yet if we are engaged, we may crave some freedom. In a world of duality, all situations have their positive and negative aspects. And if we are experiencing one situation, it seems that we naturally hanker for an alternative situation, hoping the grass is greener on the other side!

Ultimately I should ask myself, why do I need to experience this? Perhaps I simply need to realise that nothing can give complete, fulfilling happiness in this world, because it all comes at a price and everything is temporary.

The fact is that seldom do we realise just how perfect our present situation is - that it was just what we needed to live through - until it is gone!


  1. beautiful post...I'd like to put on my blog...hope you dont mind...Melissa

  2. No problem, however do credit it to my name and direct people to my blog please! :)
