07 December 2013

Love Letter

We laughed together. This is what I like to remember.

I loved it when you came to my house and we passed hours giving each other a massage, having a warm bath together, or making love. I loved it when you were soft and your kiss tasted of love, and when you took me and made me experience the wildest side of my human nature. I loved it when we would play-fight and giggle and laugh until our stomachs ached and we collapsed in embrace. I loved it when I would go run an errand and come home to find you at the cooker, making us a dinner, and then we would talk for hours about anything under the sun.

And sometimes it tasted bitter too, and tears would crawl across my face while your frustration would vent in anger. We might have fought back in anger, but really we were covering the sadness that we were not loving each other, and being loved.

And our own pain made us forget what we could give to each other.

And now our ways are parted.

Although it might appear easier to forget the sweet memories and just feel the relief of no more bitter emotions, I prefer to remember the times when we shared such beautiful energy and connection. I feel grateful for the whole experience I was able to share with you and it makes every tear worth having fallen because I cannot separate the desireable from the undesireable... it was all part of knowing you and sharing with you, and you remain special to me.

It is a beautiful gift to be able to remember you in this way, and it is possible only because of the connection we share and how much affection we continue to feel for each other.

I miss you, and I know you miss me too, however letting go of each other was itself an act of love: for love of our selves as for love of the other. We have been a remarkable reflection for each other, and now it is time to find the love in ourselves that we were searching for in the other, for only when we truly have love can we truly share it.

In this part of our journeys, while we walk separate paths that may lead us afar, may our hearts remain warm with sweet thoughts of each other. When we long for each other we can connect to the warmth of the experience we shared and the gratitude of how we have grown together because of it, and bless each other's course in life as we are blessed by a trust that if, by Grace, there is more we will to share in the course of time, then it shall Be.

Well-wisher, friend, lover... whichever one the future holds for us, we can smile in the knowledge that after all is said and done, in some way I love you (and you love me too).  

25 October 2013

Look into my eyes...

Let me enter the gates of your soul
And see you naked in every sense;
Let me witness your raw essence
With full awareness and presence.

I want to learn what makes you fly,
Your joys, your fears, what makes you cry.
Of me, those things may you discover -
No need to hide in any lie.

I long to trust and feel trusted;
Communication transparent;
Deep authentic experiences;
Understanding, respect, acceptance.

To know real love, spiritual love.

No "ever after" guarantee -
Just allow a deep connection be;
Discover ourselves intensely
And leave the dark... our light to see.

The journey is so beautiful;
Destination doesn't matter.

Let me enter the gates of your soul...

27 September 2013

Who am I?

How wonderful it is to drop our self-image, all those things that give us a sense of identity. It opens up an infinite world of possibilities, so much to play with! 

Like an actor in the play of life, I can take on any role according to whim, without compromising who I really am, because who I really am has nothing to do with what I wear, what music I listen to and which places I hang out at and with whom... and everything to do with my sense of being a soul having a human experience, with gratitude and compassion. 

Which Mali will you be meeting today? Spiritual-Yoga-Meditation-Hare Krishna Mali? Sexy Salsa Mali? Psy-Trance Mali? Outdoor Adventures Mali? Holistic Therapist Mali? Marketing Executive Mali? Bohemian Artist/Writer Mali? Travelling Hippy Mali? 

The list goes on and oooooh it's so much fun... !!! 

25 July 2013

Energy Bubble

I know exactly how I'm feeling but I dont know exactly what you're feeling, I'm just guessing... and when I am sending that energy signal based on my guess, your reaction, body language and words are received and interpreted by me so that is creating another thought impulse, electricity, energy...

And all the while, at the same time, you are having your own experience on your end, you are experiencing your own reality, your own interpretation of what is, so that what is being created between us is an electrical vibe, a ball of energy which is powered by positive or negative charge depending on our positive or negative thoughts...

And so our shared experience created by our interaction as a pair is the relationship we have, and we create it by our own thoughts - our own understanding, our own creativity, our own experience - in every moment.

I am aware that I am always, solely and completely, responsible for my thoughts and emotions and the vibes I create, and you yours, and together, we ours...

So if we can be aware of this, if at any moment one of us slips into a negative ego, and it is going a way that does not feel good, we can change it in an instant, just by a change of mind... it can be that easy, that simple.

It is that easy and that simple.

What I think, so I create, moment by moment.