05 April 2010

Just a day at the beach...

Marvelled at Nature's greatness seen in blades of grass growing on a rock - how did it root; how does it get nourished?

Was hypnotised by the infinite colours displayed in the "brown" rock, accentuated by the sheen of water spray... then by the forms sculpted by the same water, so fluid yet so forceful.

Picked some crystals off the rock... they grow the same as the grass?

And enjoyed a much-needed dip in the sea, played with sand, looked down crab holes, saw the sun turn into a red ball and disappear into the distant mist.

Life is most beautiful in its simplicity.

Made friends with the bus-driver, had dinner with strangers-cum-friends in a "real restaurant in town," then sat on the roof of our house talking about life and living and alternative realities.

A soul having a human experience.

May I remember more often to take the time to notice even just a few of Life's millions of miracles that are happening at every moment....

Adikadalai Beach,
d/o Kannur
Malabar, Kerala
South India

1 comment:

  1. lovely post may we all remember these moments! and good work on your ayurveda keep it up!
